Making our way to Punta Cana and why we won’t fly with American
We started the day at, well, night. Our flight was scheduled to leave at 10:00 PM Saturday night on December 2nd. We got to the airport with a few hours to kill before we boarded so we ate some dinner at Ballard Brew Hall while we waited.

And of course, our flight was delayed, so we left closer to 11. We then started the 5.5 hour flight to Miami and rushed to catch our connecting flight at 8:30 AM to Punta Cana because we were on opposite sides of the airport. We made it to the gate at 8:10 and met the loveliest lady (just kidding, she was rude) who told us it was our fault for missing the gate closing early and that we would have to find another flight.
In hindsight, this was probably for the best because while we made it to the gate, my grandmother who was in a wheel chair went on an adventure. First the AA employee tasked with taking my grandmother to the plane decided that, no, we wouldn’t make our flight so he wasn’t going to use the vehicle to get her there. Fine. However, what he did next was unacceptable in our eyes, and that’s he took her to a random gate and left her. No wheelchair. No walker. No way to communicate with us (she has a cell phone, but can’t use it well). We found out where she was and had to go get her ourselves, but we at least found her relatively quickly.
We got our flight rescheduled for 2:00 PM that day, but that meant we had 5 hours to do nothing again! So what does that mean? Food obviously! We got food vouchers from the actual nice lady at the American help desk who helped us reschedule our flights, so we went to eat at the Ku-Va restaurant to get some breakfast.

The next flight and really the rest of the day was pretty uneventful. We arrived at the airport in Punta Cana and took our shuttle to the Hard Rock Hotel. After checking in and going to our room, we ate at The Market and then immediately went to bed. Enjoy the video as we become more delirious as our lack of sleep overtakes us!